Free Tutorial E-Book, How Lionel Lion Learned To Read

Free Tutorial E-Book, How Lionel Lion Learned To Read

Free Tutorial E-Book:

How Lionel Lion Learned To Read

With the Secret Code of the English language

Written by Jeanie Eller with Carissa McClain Hershkowitz

Illustrations by Loretta Musgrave


An Illustrated storybook to be read aloud to beginning readers, annotated with teaching tips. Lionel Lion with the help of his animal friends becomes aware of the 26-44-70 solution to break the secret code of reading.

Available free in PDF format here:

Who We Are:

Jeanie Eller, MA – found Action Reading when she was sent by the Anchorage, AK School District to find the best reading program in America. Eller worked with the author, Dr. George Cureton and purchased his copyright upon his death. She developed the FUNdamentals Tutorial Kit and is the teacher on the CD’s & DVDs. She has trained teachers in many schools to use Action Reading. She has been interviewed on over 1500 radio shows about illiteracy and the solution.  She taught 1st Grade for many years and taught older students to read in 2 -6 week classes. She taught college phonics courses and has written teacher training courses for three colleges.

Carissa McClain Hershkowitz, MA – English as a Second Language (ESL) Specialist taught children to read, write and speak English using Action Reading. She developed Carissa’s Critters   Birth through Beginning Reading Program as she taught her daughter to walk, talk, read and write. It is based on Action Reading. She is now the principal of an Elementary School.

Loretta Musgrave, MA – Director of a School for Handicapped Children taught them to read using the alphabetic code of English. She used Action Reading to teach children to read in Public School.  She has trained teachers in many schools and taught summer Learn to Read Camps using Action Reading. She is a nationally known, award winning, Western Artist and the portrait painter for Maricopa County Supreme Court Judges. She illustrated the Good Book – Teach Your Child to Read using the Bible. She also illustrated the Critters for Carissa’s Critter Program and for the book, How Lionel Lion Learned to Read with the Secret Code of the English language.

What We Do:

We have been teaching children and adults to read with the code since 1970. We taught illiterate adults to read in 2 weeks for the Oprah Winfrey Show. We taught children to read in 2 weeks in summer Reading Camps. We and other teachers teach older children to read in six weeks and younger children to read in one year in schools.

All of our Learn to Read Programs are based on the simple alphabetic code of the English language. They are all multisensory with games, songs, exercises and activities. They all include 100% decodable text. The students never have a word, sentence or story with a sound they have not yet learned. The programs are linguistically designed to start with the simplest sounds and progress to the more complex sounds and skills. They are based on mastery of the entire code, constant review and practice for fluency, accuracy and proficiency.

Contact us for:  Materials - Learn to Read Programs - Teacher Training

Action Reading, Inc.  P.O. Box 9266 Chandler Heights , AZ  480 695 8376