Have you used Action Reading successfully?
Teaching someone to read can be a wonderful and gratifying endeavor. If you have had a rewarding experience using Action Reading would you please consider sharing your story on our blog site?
Over the years we’ve received numerous letters and emails from people praising the results they have achieved using Action Reading programs. “Word of mouth” has truly been the protagonist for perpetuation of the Action Reading System and that in itself is truly a compliment. We would greatly appreciate reading your Action Reading success story as a comment on this blog post.
Oh my GOODNESS… where do I begin?!?! I have been retired for 11 years now, and hands down still feel that Cureton Action Reading was the “BOOK-ETHEL-SOAP-TOOTH” way to teach Reading to our students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade!
I had the honor and opportunity to be trained by George Cureton himself and had an absolute ball with him! What a “character” he was! Ronnie Denner from Newark also assisted in our training. We have kept in contact over the years!
This program supported each child’s learning modality, as lessons incorporated visual, auditory, tactile and psychomotor activities daily. Shy, reluctant students were placed between strong confidant colleagues that inevitably bombarded and supported those insecure students with positive cues and energy! The multi modality activities got students “up and out of their chairs” , and drew every child to want to participate. We enjoyed teaching and students enjoyed learning SO much that we taught Reading TWICE daily for an hour each session, and was easily incorporated into other subjects when encountering new vocabulary.
When my 1st grade students were tested at the end of the school year, it became the “norm” instead of the “exception” for them to place at a 3rd – 4th grade Reading level!!!! This became SO consistent that this program motivated me as an educator to pursue my Masters In Reading degree. I did not want to use that degree to be a Reading Specialist- but rather to benefit more students in my first grade classrooms.
The thesis that I wrote was entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Phonics in Reading Instruction withYoung Learners”. I received an A+, and my thesis was accepted in completion of my degree.
I was so very sad to learn of Professor Cureton’s death. He had a great vision, and helped SO many reluctant readers to love reading, and teacher’s to LOVE TEACHING it!
On a fun side note….
The entire faculty that were trained at our school, not only loved using “Cureton Action Reading” in our classrooms, but actually used the cues to communicate with each other in front of our own children and family members “secretly” when we didn’t want to share a thought aloud! ;-))
Let’s go get “I in a sandwich, celery…can,rope, Edith,money” (ice cream!)
Using Cureton was an absolute joy, and one of MY fondest teaching memories. When I see former students as grown adults… they STILL remember the “aah-buh-cuhs”! I love giving them a word in Cureton cues to watch them at 40 years old come up with the word!
One of the teachers trained in Cureton with me eventually went to another school district – where she encountered FUNdamentals… she thought it resembled Cureton, but didn’t know if it was connected?! It would be interesting to learn about that outgrowth for sure!
Sharon Vincent