The Gift of Reading

The Gift of Reading

FUNdamentals Home Phonics Tutorial by Action Reading addresses “phonetic awareness” which has been established as the very foundation of becoming a fluent and independent reader. It has been proven that reading improves cognition and leads to a fuller and more productive life regardless of the age that this skill is acquired. Available as hard copy or online class, FUNdamentals Home Phonics Tutorial reading lessons would be a gift of a lifetime to help someone achieve success and happiness.

We're Not Hardwired for Written Language.

Many societies on earth indeed rely solely on an oral language. So whereas spoken language is instinctive and natural - you don't have to teach a baby to speak, you just expose that baby to a spoken language and that baby will learn, eventually, to speak - reading has to be taught. It's artificial, it's acquired. What is it that a child has to learn? Why is it that the lines and squiggles on the page have meaning at all? Why aren't they just abstract symbols? So we say, well, what do they have to link to? We believe that what they have to link to is something that has inherent meaning, and those are the sounds of spoken language. That really sets the template for what you need to do to teach children to read.

Dr. Sally E. Shaywitz professor of Pediatric Neurology at Yale University.

Reading: An Ideal Form of Brain Exercisebrain

All of us know the importance of a good workout to stay fit. The same thing is true with our brain. A study conducted in Stanford University proves that reading is the workout the brain needs in order to stay in its optimal health. To conduct this study, a group of people were asked to read Mansfield’s Park by Jane Austen while being monitored by a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine. The group was asked to read the book under two situations. In the first scenario, they were asked to read the book for the purpose of recreation; while in the second scenario, they were asked to critically analyze the book as if they were evaluating it for a thesis. Although there was no difference between the two scenarios, the MRI mapping showed that the minute they started reading in both circumstances, there was a noticeable rise in the level of blood flowing to the brain. Not only this, blood was also flowing to those parts of the brain, which were currently not in use.

Books are powerful and leave lasting impressions; being able to read them is a very special gift.

Dr. Bcarsonen Carson, the former Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon, credits reading with changing his life. In "Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence," he describes how, in fifth grade, his mother, herself then illiterate, insisted that her son read two books from the library every week. And then he had to write a book report on each for her to "read." He began reading about animals, about nature, about people, about history, about other countries. And he became the smartest person in his class, he recounts, looked up to by students and teachers alike. At age 33, Dr. Carson became the youngest physician ever to head a major division at Johns Hopkins. "Reading is the way out of ignorance," Dr. Carson writes, "and the road to achievement."

The Reciprocal Effects of Reading Volume

Dr. Keith Stanovich,  Canada's Research Chair of Applied Cognitive Science at the Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology, University of Toronto

We can thus elicit two crucial messages from our research findings. First, it is difficult to overstate the importance of getting children off to an early successful start in reading.We must ensure that students’ decoding and word recognition abilities are progressing solidly. Those who read well are likely to read more, thus setting an upward spiral into motion. Second, we should provide all children, regardless of their achievement levels, with as many reading experiences as possible. Indeed, this becomes doubly imperative for precisely those children whose verbal abilities are most in need of bolstering, for it is the very act of reading that can build those capacities.An encouraging message for teachers of low-achieving students is implicit here.We often despair of changing our students’ abilities, but there is at least one partially malleable habit that will itself develop abilities—reading!

FUNdamentals The Solution to Reading Problems

Formulated for use with learners from preschool through adult ages, FUNdamentals is the key to learning to read the English language. Parents can use it to teach youngfun2 children the skill of reading before they enter school. It is a useful home tutorial to quickly and properly teach reading to any grade level K-12. College students and adults with poor reading skills can utilize this product in the privacy of their homes and achieve quick solutions to reading difficulties.


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